Laundry Love

Will take laundry detergent! 


Through our service project  last October with the Tuesday book club girls, we learned about Ms. Ruthie, an owner of a laundry mat in Pacific Beach, who does a lot for the local homeless community. 

A few of us decided that we'd like to meet Ms. Ruthie and take some laundry detergent to help support her "laundry love" efforts. We put together a small detergent drive for any laundry items--liquid detergent, laundry soap, dryer sheets, stain remover, etc. and coupled it with some travel-size toiletry items a friend and her family gave us. We gathered the items, took some time to pick a date, and finally ran down to PB to meet Ms. Ruthie and drop off the items. 

We arrived to a little quaint laundry mat where a sweet, unassuming lady met us behind a service counter in the back. We introduced ourselves as she was a bit shocked, but cheerfully surprised. We walked back to the car to grab the loot and once again met the same sweet lady still pleasantly riddled by our gifts. She gladly accepted and promised to give to anyone who needed. We chatted for a bit longer, promised to be back and to continue to keep her in our prayers. 

When we got into the car and drove away there was silence. Not a word from either of us for minutes. I was completely taken back at how easy it was to give. There weren't words for why I had waited so long to make a trip down to PB or why I haven't put forth more effort to grab an extra bottle of detergent while grocery shopping.

Finally, I broke the silence, "Wow, that was so simple. Why did we wait so long? How could that be so easy to do?" My heart was full of both love and guilt all at the same time. How did I get so caught up in ME that I'd missed little opportunities like that?

I was washed over with mixed emotions on how someone like me, who is blessed beyond measure, had dragged my feet in simply getting out of my bubble [or comfort zone!] to help...or do something for someone other than myself. With this in my heart and great counsel for a girlfriend, here's what we came up with: 

  1. Any size gift or impact makes a difference. God says in the Bible that He cares more about the attitude and the heart of giver than the gift itself. The smallest random acts of kindness still makes a difference in someone's day.
  2. Time doesn't stop. Such a simple and obvious truth, but we need to be reminded that putting something off until tomorrow can too soon become yesterday. If there's a nudge/desire/pull in your heart to do something, do it. We can't let busyness or perfectionism get in our way; otherwise we'll never get to it. 
  3. Look down. When we compare ourselves to others, it's usually the times that we're looking up and suddenly aware of everything we don't have. Try looking down. Take a moment to become aware of everything you do have. Comparison is an instant joy killer and the quickest way to lose sight of your own blessings. When you do look down, most likely you'll see a need. And beyond that, typically a need that you can help meet. If you can't do it alone, enlist those other friends that are looking down too. God's love can motivate and move mountains. 
  4. Generosity and kindness helps make the world go round. As if it's like magic, we tend to feel so much better when we give. Something special happens in our hearts when we take the attention (time and energy!) off of ourselves and refocus it to help someone else. Serving others brings meaning and fulfillment to our lives.  

With all of that, we decided to get in on the "laundry love" movement. Whether it's paying for a stranger's laundry, donating a roll of quarters, soap or dryer sheets, we want to encourage you to do something! And soon! Take a meal, share a smile, pay for some Starbucks, tutor a child, mow the neighbor's yard, or serve at a soup kitchen or local library. Share. Do. Give. We know it not only makes a difference in those around you, but in your life as well. 


P.S. Want to donate to Ms. Ruthie's cause? Email me to drop off laundry detergent, dryer sheets, or other travel size toiletry items! 

 “You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭9:7-8‬ (‭NLT‬‬)

Paul says, "Here is my advice: It would be good for you to finish what you started a year ago. Last year you were the first who wanted to give, and you were the first to begin doing it. Now you should finish what you started. Let the eagerness you showed in the beginning be matched now by your giving. Give in proportion to what you have. Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. And give according to what you have, not what you don’t have.” 2 Corinthians‬ ‭8:10-12‬ ‭(NLT‬‬) 

Truth + Love Designs

I'd like to introduce to you one of my friends, Erin Beil, who started a new project last month that absolutely speaks to my heart and those around me. Her new adventures titled Truth + Love Designs encompasses a new Etsy shop and blog affirming women of their beauty and worth.

She writes, "I make designs and provide a platform with messages of positivity and empowerment- truth about how beautiful and how priceless you are! EVERY girl is born absolutely beautiful, with a worth that is beyond measure or accomplishments- born priceless. They are delighted in and loved completely- they are precious."

Erin is using her platform to speak truth and encourage women of all ages to fight the negativity and self lies that so many struggle with. She recently sent out a survey asking fifty women questions regarding their beauty, confidence, capabilities, worth, and even struggles. 75%, nearly 3/4 of the women answered the question: “What do you wish you knew as a girl that has contributed to your confidence as a woman?” Response: I am beautiful because I am made in God's image. 

As I read more about her project, I realized that it quickly lined with with my heart and my efforts. I thought, "Hey, that's what I'm doing too!" except that I'm in California, she's in North Carolina and the ages of our audiences are slightly different, but the messaging is definitely the same. Awesome, huh? We're on the same team, both trying to make a difference in the community of those around us. 

A couple years ago, God opened my heart to create a shift in my thinking regarding community over competition. In a world where the girl power struggle is real (and hard!) and each woman is making a name for herself (sometimes at the expense of herself, her family, integrity, or of others), we face a choice to either build up the girl beside us or tear her down. 

At one point I might have felt defeated or conflicted in sharing the same ideas and platform with a friend. But instead, I've been able to look at those around me and see their strengths. See her talents and capabilities, her leadership and vision as a positive thing to help reach more people. What was once a threat (competition) is now community. 

At the end of the day, we all want to make a difference right? We want to leave our piece of the world better than when we found it. 

I encourage you to take sometime to think about #communityovercompetion in your own community. What does that look like for you? For those around you? The Rising Tide Society has done an awesome job in the creative community to promote this type of thinking. While competition, innovative thinking and goal advancement all have its place, community over competition deals more with matters of the heart. Let's chose kindness first. Let's work together to built each other up and continue to make a positive difference in those around us! 

Be sure to take some time to visit Erin's blog and show her some love! 



An Overdue Thank You

Thank you.  

Words that I've needed to write for almost six weeks now as my family and I are living a new chapter of life. 

The night before my sweet Momma's funeral, my Dad, brothers and I had a moment to ourselves. Up until that point, we had been surrounded by Arkansas friends and family. They came to visit us, to check on us, to sit with us, and to pray with us each bringing a full heart to share in the love and the loss with us. Our California friends called, sent text messages, emails, cards and flowers. We had been covered in thoughts and prayers and love for days. 

But within that quiet moment my Dad said, "I still have to believe that God has good plans for our lives. That He is the God that we believe He is. And that your Mom is in heaven, a place so much glorious than this. She's not missing us. We're the ones missing her and we'll continue to miss her as we still have a lot of life to live on this earth. This isn't what we chose or what we wanted, but we still have to believe that God has a purpose and plan for the future. And we're going to have to have faith to live that way."

And right there, we chose to believe that God is who the Bible says He is. And that regardless of our life circumstances, He is good and still has a great plan for our lives. God has shown us His love through an indescribable peace and comfort to get through each day.

So, thank you. Thank you for calling and checking on us. Thank you for bringing food so we wouldn't have to worry about cooking a meal. Thank you for texting to tell us we're on your mind. Thank you for giving. Thank you for praying. Thank you for the beautiful flowers. Thank you for reminding us that we're not alone. Thank you for stopping by to see us. Thank you for asking. Thank you for sharing in our loss. Thank you for the cards. Thank you for sharing your stories and memories with us. Thank you for loving us. Most of all, thank you for being there. 

We love you too. 

We are grateful that God gave us you. Keep checking on us and praying for us as we begin to feel the impact of our loss in the coming weeks, months, and years of birthdays, holidays, daily life and special occasions. 

There's a box of beautiful cards that I'm still carrying around in hopes I'll soon find the strength to write my thank you's. Until then, please know that I keep you close to my heart and that I am truly grateful for all that you've done. Thank you so much. 

With love,   




Community = A Full Heart

Last week I posted a picture of the ladies from our Thursday night Bible study at Daybreak Church. Thursday nights are where my passion meets purpose. It’s where God changes lives, heals hearts, builds friendships, creates community, brings encouragement, redemption, love and laughter. It’s a night where we get to see a little bit of heaven and be reminded that:

God has great plans for our lives.  (Jeremiah 29:11)

He’s designed your life and mine with purpose. (Jeremiah 1:5)

Nothing in life is wasted--not the hurt, the pain or the heartache-- God uses it all for the good of His kingdom. (Romans 8:28)  

One of my favorite things about Thursday nights is the opportunity to meet (and forge friendships with) with some of the coolest women. Women who might not be in my every day circle of life, but women who are authentic and honest in who they are as they seek to live a life filled with the love of Jesus Christ. (See Galatians 5:22)

So what I'm learning is that each lady has a story. A story you’d never know by simply saying hello. One in which compassion, strength and forgiveness meet. A story she's overcome and that can easily be hidden behind a smile and kind greeting.  

Listen to me, we each have a story. And maybe you're her. We each have experienced love and pain, headache and heartache, unwarranted hurt and loss, indescribable peace and freedom, great joy when we never knew we could…we each have a story that will inspire, encourage and give hope to someone else.  

And we need to share what's God's done in our stories and in our lives.  We need our sisters and girlfriends to hear it. We need to let the girl next to us know that she’s not the only one going through it. We need each other. We need to be women whose faith is stronger than our circumstances. Ladies, I encourage you to find a community of Christian sisters and get connected. You need it. I need it and  I promise you it’s worth it. 


                                                                       Out to dinner last week with a few Thursday night ladies!
