Dear Change, We Don't Always Love You.

Why is change so hard?

May I let that question sit with you for a minute? Tomorrow I’ll have the opportunity to speak to a group of women at the Leadership Education Seminar. My topic is “Turnover & Transition” an eloquent title defined by change as we ask, “How do we lead through the change?”.  

Change is all around us. It’s in our personal life, a new season of life, at home or in the workplace, it’s in our relationships and community; it’s happening. Kids are taking their first steps, friends moving into new homes, graduates are starting college, parents are aging and friends are getting married and/or having babies. As I’ve heard them say in the South, “we’re all in the thick of it together.”

Whether it’s anticipated or unexpected, it’s the new. And we make the choice to either embrace it or resist it. What will you do? What’s changing in your life? What do you wish you could or could not change?

Most of the time my head screams embrace it, but my heart whispers wait, don’t. Other times, I can’t wait for things to change. (I’ll talk more about living in the “wait” in my next post.) Regardless of how the change comes, I’m praying that we’ll have the courage to welcome it. We want to be compassionate about the new, lean into the growth and opportunity with a smile and continue to remember that each season has a reason and a purpose.

Welcome, my friend. Change and new adventure awaits. What will you chose to do with it?


“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6


If we're in a season of change, may we simply readjust our sails.  

If we're in a season of change, may we simply readjust our sails.  

Be Present: Right here, Right now.

"Did you see that?” I asked the girl sitting next to me. We were in the stands of one of Major League Baseball’s biggest games of the year and she was missing it!

This game featured the best of the best - players who had set records, beat records and made modern-day history. They hit homers out of the park and threw fastballs over ninety-eight miles an hour, yet all around me, sat fans who were missing the moment. They there for the game, but weren't present for the moment.

Modern-day technology and social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and now share information, but it's also caused a slow, lingering second effect where we are sometimes more caught up in capturing the moment instead of being in the moment and it’s causing us to miss what’s happening right in front of us. 

God never intended for us to miss out on this life. He created us with five senses, emotional intelligence and the ability to experience life firsthand through the lens of our eyes and our hearts. The Bible reminds us in Psalm 90:1 "Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts." We gain wisdom by remembering our life on this earth has purpose, but is short and temporary. Jesus came so that we may have life and experience it to the fullest through his free gift of grace and salvation.

I’m not asking to you to stop snapping pictures or taking videos from now on. Our technology tools are valuable in helping us tell our story and mark moments of history. However, I am asking for you to give a second thought to pulling out your technology device to capture everything - because when the lens of our camera captures everything, the lens of heart sometimes miss things.

We only get to live life once. We. get. this. moment. once. We don't get to rewind or redo the stories of our lives, so I encourage you to take time to set down your phone to watch your little one take those next couple of steps or turn off the TV and sit around the dinner table with your people, watch the ball game without the camera live or enjoy a good cup of coffee with a friend without first “checking in” and simply be in the moment.

May we be people who are wise in our hearts and live life in the present.



“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are short." Ephesians‬ ‭5:15-16


My guy and I excited for the MLB All-Star Game

My guy and I excited for the MLB All-Star Game


Over the past couple weeks, I've been writing and posting from the Heart Magazine #SmallisBigChallenge. Each day is associated with a word and a challenge to find grace, love and appreciation in the smallest.  

I've loved it! It's made me take time out of my day to think about and reflect on the littles (and bigs!) of my life. It's also encouraged me to write more and share my story via social media and the magazine's #ShareYourHeart campaign. (You can find my entires on Instagram at @jdelinde and the Heart Magazine's original post here.) 

@theheartmag #SmallisBigChallenge Day 15: Treat. 

Today's biggest treat is that my Dad turned sixty! My brothers and I are thrilled about being home to celebrate his birthday. He is the coolest dude and the best Dad a girl could ask for! After a tough year, celebrating is something that we love to do even more. We've each learned that life together is a gift.

I've also had the treat of having some amazing girlfriends in my life. These girls (pictured below) along with my cousin, Sarah Nicole have done a lot of life together since we were kids. From elementary school through college and soon into our thirties, we have lived full lives. From junior high cheerleading, Spring Lake church camp, first loves, bad break-ups and teenage independence, to degrees, careers, cross-country moves, many girls nights out, weddings and motherhood; even family heartache, disappointment and divorce--we have seen God's sweet bond of friendship continue to weave stories and memories in our lives.

Tara, Victoria, Rachel, Dad, me and Amber in May 2006. *See this post to fill you in on my little white dress.

Tara, Victoria, Rachel, Dad, me and Amber in May 2006. *See this post to fill you in on my little white dress.

Tuesday evening, we received terrible and unexpected news that our childhood friend, Tara had passed away leaving behind three sweet kids and a best friend for a husband. Words are beyond the tender heartache of the last few days as tears can only speak of life's goodness and pain all same. 

Ironically that morning, I had publicly posted that through God's loving grace and mercy, I could still smile after hurt and heartache.

Three days later and in a much different heart condition, I still hold onto that promise because of this simple truth: "I believe heaven is for real. I know the Hope of heaven and the promise of Jesus Christ will heal and that God is still near."

To only share the bright smiles and happy highlights, I'd be missing out on the rest of the truth that makes it my story. Life is made up of the goods and bads, the highs and lows; success and failure, joy and pain, love and hurt. 

But I also believe life is truly fueled by love and hope and faith. I believe God's plans are so much bigger than we can imagine and that each of our lives have a greater purpose than we know.

I am so grateful for my girlfriends--those in Arkansas, California and across the country--that I get to love, laugh and "do" life with. Whether it's every day or on occasion, over text, FaceTime or phone calls, these are God's gifts; and at the end of my time, I want to have loved my friends, family and those around me freely and fiercely.

"'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." -Alfred Lord Tennyson

Keep us all in your prayers!  

I love y'all to the moon and back.




“No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” Romans‬ ‭8:37-38‬