Jessica deLinde Dyckman

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Happy New Year!

Well hello, 2015! I can't believe January has almost come and gone! The new year is off to a brave new start. Last year I wasn't much in the mood to resolve, but this year was met with a new excitement. 2-0-1-4 was amazing! It brought its challenges, stresses, hurts and headaches as it was entwined with its joy, freedom, and laughter. 

This year I decided to resolve to: 
1. Wear more lipstick
2. Make every day count
3. Respect time (Be on time)
4. Write a blog
5. Start a nonprofit 

2-0-1-5 is met with action. The last year has truly been one of my favorites, but this year I want to Do. I want to Dream. I want to Dare...and I really, really want to stop talking about it all and take some action! So here I am! Action has started and obedience has begun. 

Wait, what's yours? 

Excited to tell you more!